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Upclose and personal.
This is my blog, my rants. My stories of life. I'm just your average girl next door. Need I say more? I write about what I think feels. I don't care about what you think about me 'cause it don't matter. If you think you don't like me or my blog, you can leave. Otherwise, come on in and hear my rants!! =) A year older comes May second. Sexy, Naughty, Bithcy ME! dylalicious@gmail.com
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Saturday, January 29, 2005
Re : Many things in my mind now...
Time flies so past..... There's so much things in my mind right now... Both my grannies are really sick.. They both have to wear adult diapers cos they don't even know when they are going to do their "business" Its really sad... Ibu said that the family are all prepared if either of them has to go soon.... At home, things are getting better for both my parents.. But i know they are both putting on an act so as not to make all of us worry.. Its pretty difficult for me as the eldest, cos i really have to take care of my siblings and to help with the household stuffs... Personally, I am at a loss of what to do now... Even my personal life is affected. I would also like to thank all my fellow bloggers out there who's stand tru thick & thin by me... You guys are the best. I'll be so lost without all your consoles & advices... Thank you once again for being such a friend... Work wise, SEP in Hong Kong was fun! Most of my colleagues totally forgot about our emergency commands and it was such a hilarious sight!!! Everyone's so happy and we really had fun!! My digicam's still not ready for collection yet and I feel so lost without it... I thought of getting a new one.. Maybe soon... I feel funny that my blog is without any pictures, its so not me!!!!!!! A friend just broke up with her boyfriend of 6 years. Apparently, he had another girl * sigh * Sad but true. After so long with each other, she was so lost and she didn't know what to do. She was not in the right state of mind and she almost killed herself. She despise men now. I don't blame her. Maybe give her time before she'll learn to accept them again. Another friend called me up recently after so long MIA-ing..... She asked for my home address to mail her invitation card to her wedding.. Less than a week, she called me again to tell me that her wedding's been cancelled. I have not even received her invitatin card yet! Again, the guy is actually seeing someone else and HE decided to call the wedding off. I was close to this particular couple before, and so, i called up the guy to ask what happened. He said that he cheated on her, cos she is always so busy with work and had no time for him at times. She works in a law firm as a secretary. Someone came along, and he didn't intend for it to happen. This guy's really nice, i tell you. I don't blame him either. Its pretty difficult for me too as a friend. * sigh * My migraines are back. At times they really pull so hard i could cry! I told myself to relax a little cos maybe i've been thinking too much abt too many things... I'm going to Perth tomorrow and wont be back till the 02 February. I brought my sports gear in case i suddenly feel like going cycling or swimming by the beach. But damn, my Digicam's not around!! Nothing for me to be reminded of......... As for now, am alone at home feeling sad, i dont know why. These few days haven't really been my day......
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Still cant get over it
I don't mean to be petty..
But I really am sick of giving in... For now, I will just let whatever that will happen, happens... I really can't be bothered to think so much about it no more... For 5 years I am still trying to remain as patient as ever.. "What goes around, comes around... " Biarlah ia terjadi... Nothing much has happened for the past few days... Alas, I sent the digi-cam for repair this afternoon.. Again, its me again who have to do all the work... * sigh * Am feeling sick these few days, don't know why... The weather's so hot.. Sun shining so bright... I don't have much photos to update you with, cos I am sure you are aware that my digicam's down... I will be leaving for Hong Kong on the 27th for my SEP that's gonna expire soon... Time really flies past.. It's been a year since I am with the company already!!! OMG!! Jumping off slides, and practical... Hmmm... sounds fun!! So looking forward to it!!!!!!
Thursday, January 20, 2005
I am so mad!
What a day!!! I came back this morning, and By asked me if I am going over his place today. I said I'm not sure yet cos I am very tired. I am sick (due to the bad weather in perth - bushfire, haze & the sun being scorching hot but the breeze is sooo cold) and he doesnt care. And the best part is I am on morning standby tomorrow!!! * sigh * He was not-so-happy when I said "see how" and I gave in and said fine, i'll go over. And that's when trouble started. Is it my fault? I am patient enough to make it last this long, but why do I always have to give in all the time & why does he like to push all the blame on me??? I've never ever wrote anything about my personal feelings on the blog, but I just cant take it this time around. What have I done to deserve this? Already feeling so tired & lethargic, I've now got to think of this stupid argument!! This is too much!! If its him, he has NEVER sacrificed coming over to my place after work when he's tired. He always have the stupid excuse. But me, I ALWAYS have to go over to his house in PASIR RIS ( & I'm staying in WOODLANDS ) no matter how tired i am after work. Its just not fair.. I thought its all about compromise? This is getting out of hand and for a moment, I am feeling soooo very mad!!! * sabar fad! * something in my head tells me... this is part & parcel of relationship. But we have to give & take, and not me always giving & taking all the time!!! i am soooo mad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, January 17, 2005
I need Help!!
When I came back from that Perth trip on the morning of 12th January 2004, I had a good rest the whole day. On the 13th, it was OFF for me... & guess what??
I was on standby on the 14th and was called up for another Perth flight!!! * Yikes * I told the rest of the crew that I could apply for PR in Perth since I am there so often... Well, the trip was fun too. It was a Friday night, and we all knew it was time to party!! I had a cool Crew-In-Charge, Charlotte Soh. She is such a party queen, and a fun one too. Beatrice was there too.. She's a new gal from Batch 02. She's fun to be with too.. that crazy gal.. Calista ( from Batch 03 ) was too tired to join us, so she stayed in. We went to Burswood Casino... The club's name The Ruby Room.. Nice R & B they play.. I called the fun guys from Perth again and we met them there.. For the first time, I was in a casino.. The entrance to the club is such that you have to enter the Casino first before you can reach the Club's entrance.. Funny but cool... Entrance was Aud$15 and all proceedings goes to the Tsunami victims... We had fun, dancing all the night and making fun of each other. I am really glad that Charlotte & Beatrice loves the company of my friends from Perth. After a night of fun, I was sick the whole day in Perth, and didnt do much shopping. The weather there was quite bad cos it was so hot, the sun shining brightly, but the breeze was so cold!! I'd rather the sun, sand & sea, than the COLD!!! Sat & relaxed in the hotel room the whole day! Its ok, cos there will be much more Perth trips to come... & I think I am gonna sick of Perth too...
My camera is still not fine. BY said he wanted to send them to the Nikon centre, but he was too tired after work.. * sigh * Does he have to depend on me all the time???? Well, its ok anyway, cos my dearest Captain Lindo has got the Perth trip pics burnt into a CD and drop it in my box!! Thank you so much Lindo!!! Appreciate your effort... ;p Can you imagine how I felt when I saw a CD in my box? I thought, hell, i hope this is not some kind of porn or something... ;> & when I went back home to check it out, its the pics!!! The beautiful scenery from our First Officer Keith's place....... & the enjoyable time we had at his place.. Thank you Keith!!
The Wide Spread... We missed out the Mashed Potato on the extreme left, and Garlic Bread which was not out yet.. & all this Keith prepared himself!!!!!! Tank you Keith!!!
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Wednesday, January 12, 2005
Tired..... That's how I am feeling right now. Very tired. I came back from Perth this morning at about 0600 hrs. Washed up and went to bed. I woke up only about 1530 hrs. Had a good rest, but still am feeling tired. Perth was fun, didn't buy much stuff. Except shopping at Woolworths. It's the supermarket. Bought lots of titbits and munchies. ( To Trina - if u are reading this - I managed to get 2 boxes of Mini Cheezels too and there's no way I could stop the temptations of munching them the whole day!!!!! ) We went to our FO's place for lunch and my STUPID camera broke down on me!!!!! I couldn't start the lens and it was stuck, and I can't switch my camera on!!! His house was on top of a cliff and they really are nice!!!!!!!! Especially the view. Am still waiting for the pictures from my Captain. I promise to show it to u alrite? For the meantime, happy waiting!!!!!
Wednesday, January 05, 2005
Hepi New Year!!!!!!!
Its a new year!!! New resolution!!! ( as if... )
Speng the New Year's Eve over at a friend's place in Sengkang..... Small gathering and then once midnight, we watched Taufik's "I Dream" Mtv at her place... Both of us are crazy over Taufik Batisah and the guys were really shaking their heads... But who cares???!!! They were watching DVD when we stopped the player and waited for the MTV... Cool!!!!!!!! The rest of the days were well-spent... Watched soccer on the 2nd of Jan at National Stadium... We were having fun when we realised that we were nearing hell!!!! The Myanmar fans were crazy and daringly ran over to Singapore fans and insulting Singapore in their language and insisted that Myanmar will win... Well, you know, although I don't understand their language, I understood their "sign language".... =P It was really scary... I saw one the Myanmar fans that jumped over the barrier down and straight away hit the police with a baton... I guess he was so shocked that he didn't have time to react... I pity him... Another policeman saw the fan jumping, and he jumped too... Another Myanmar fan jumped also, and both the 2nd policeman and the Myanmar fan got hold of the amok fan and stopped him... What a hero right??!! It was pretty difficult on him, I guess cos after that, the rest of the Myanmar fans were all against him....... The attitude of their fans & players sucks!! They are not professional and they have no sportsmanship..!! That sucks!!! Sore losers!!! But........ all in all.. I had a great time... (although scary and tremendous!!!) The next day, my Mum, sista & I decided to go out.... My aunt (Bik Sita) was on leave, cos it was the first day of school and she wants to make sure that it was everything was ok for him.... So we went to Bugis and shopped!!!!!! My mum bought shoes (again!!!) and I bought my essential items...... After that, while waiting for Paman to collect his stuff, we went Turf City Giant. I didnt wanna get anything at first, but it was soooo tempting!!! With my Ibu around, "marketing" is never a "NO"... Well, I am trying to be a better daughter trying to provide her with all I can, cos she, or I should say, we (including my siblings & I), are going through an emotional 'crisis' at home..... Other than that, we had fun and shopped happily again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nothing much to say except..... "SEE FOR YOURSELVES!!!!!!!" |