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Upclose and personal.
This is my blog, my rants. My stories of life. I'm just your average girl next door. Need I say more? I write about what I think feels. I don't care about what you think about me 'cause it don't matter. If you think you don't like me or my blog, you can leave. Otherwise, come on in and hear my rants!! =) A year older comes May second. Sexy, Naughty, Bithcy ME! dylalicious@gmail.com
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Thursday, February 24, 2005
Sick! Sick! Sick!
I've been sick for the past couple of days. Its a bad sign. That goes to show that my body's overworking and I definitely need the rest!!
Was on MC last week for two days, which one of it was my OFF day. Then when I went to work on a Bangkok flight, I had a bad earache that my eardrums felt like it was bursting! And me? I was almost burst into tears!! I couldn't hear well for the next 2 days. It got really bad when I had to do my recurrent SEP & First Aid in the office. I kept sneezing and wheezing and my trainer, Jessie was really nice and she asked me to go see the doctor. She was really concern and told me not to go for any flights the next few days cos I didn't look good and she bet I wasn't feeling good too! Thank you Jessie! After my tests, I got By to send me to the doctor and indeed, the doctor said that it was bad! He said that I shouldn't have worked the day I had a blocked nose, cos that was what started the earblock. I thought it was normal, cos I have sinus and its normal for me to have blocked nose when the temperature changes are too sudden or if its too cold or too hot. Doctor also said that I had a bad throat infection and viral infection. Also said that I am suffering from some kind of stress. Heh. Sounded serious to me. He gave me 3 days off from work and advised me to get lots of rest. Here I am, 3rd day MC, sitting at home rotting on my bed. I was out yesterday for the whole day. Went JB cos By called me early in morning saying that an uncle, Babak had passed away. I was so shocked cos I just went to see him last week! He had no illness and was very much healthy. * Ajal dan maut di tangan Tuhan * Although sick, I went with By to JB to help out with some stuffs. We came back late in the evening. Its the last day of my MC today, and I suddenly have the sudden urge to eat at Sakae Sushi. Its been a long time since I stepped into that place. Have Dangerous Goods Course tomorrow and I have to be at the airport by 0900 hrs... * sigh * By the way, before I forget, thank you once again to those who have been here for me when i was down. It was encouraging, thanks. Its getting worse here at home, but I definitely know that I won't have to worry much cos I've got caring friends all around me. Thank you so very much for being a Friend.
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
What should I do?
Life's been pretty much the same for me..
Nothing much has changed.. Oh, and before I forget.. Happy Belated Valentine's Day to all the sweet loving couples out there... Bring on the love every other day too..... It has been almost a week since I last wrote.. Nothing much happened. Its almost a routine for me to do the same thing over and over again.. Day by day.. Perth trip was usual, shopping and marketing.. Bought lots of stuff from BUSS and ValleyGirl.. Well, I'm really beginning to miss my DigiCam.. Why the hell is it taking so long to repair right? Bloody Hell!! I've got so many pictures to take, and I cant live without it!!! Conditions at home getting worse and I really dont know what to expect from anyone anymore. What's with these people? Dont they have a life of their own? It makes me believe in all the superstitious thingy now. Its true people.. Nasi Kangkang, witchcraft and stuffs! Its no joke! Ya Allah, tolong tunjukkan jalan yang benar bagi mereka yang sesat ini.. Semangat dan azam untuk hidup hari ini tanpa kesedihan, tanpa keresahan, tanpa kemarahan, tanpa kedengkian dan tanpa kebencian. What's with me today? So the very malay... But well, I really dont know how to react to what's happening around me now. I am so used to having a happy family, fun and loving to be with. With the crazy people like me, bro & Dad. But everything's changed now... Only for the better or............. WORSE......
Tuesday, February 08, 2005
Fun! Fun! Fun!
Oh My God!!
Its been a while since i last updated my blog... So many things have been on my mind, and i took a short break from the internet, from everything else!! Its better!! I definitely felt better! The other day, I went to Kak Shireen's place to send her her Mini Cheezels and some pizza biscuit. Glad you like it sis! Next month you go Dubai, i want to kirim kain!!! Heh!! =) Nothing much have happened lately.. except that I was called up for flight last minute it was so funny! They called me at 0950, got a cab to pick me up at 1020, and flight departs at 1105 hrs!!!!! I reported to the aircraft straight.. It was the first time something like that ever happened to me.. Funny that I managed to get ready within that short period of time... I've got a flight later at 1400 and leaving for Perth tomorrow.. So, I wont be updating anytime until I come back on the 11th Feb... My camera's still not ready for collection.. What the heck? So long to repair, meh?? Damn it! I so miss my camera!! No pictures to update, I feel that my blog is so bare!! So, please everyone, bare with me... hehe... I've missed ya guys!!!!!!! and tank you for dropping by my blog!!!!!!! |