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Upclose and personal.
This is my blog, my rants. My stories of life. I'm just your average girl next door. Need I say more? I write about what I think feels. I don't care about what you think about me 'cause it don't matter. If you think you don't like me or my blog, you can leave. Otherwise, come on in and hear my rants!! =) A year older comes May second. Sexy, Naughty, Bithcy ME! dylalicious@gmail.com
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Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Sicko Me
I'm feeling sick!!
Very very sick, I mean. My Mes flite was delayed and I came back at almost 2am in the morning on 28th Oct. 29th - my TRV flite was cancelled and I was put on standby for two days. 29th Oct - called up for Mi518 - Rgn. ( bear in mind not having enough rest from my Mes flite the nite before - or should I say the morning before ) 30th oct - called up for Mi368 - Lgk. I was very ill on my Yangon flight. Full load and minimum crew, I was working in the aft with Meteor. Thank god we managed to help each other with our duties. I was practically shivering throughout the flight. My fever got pretty high and my throat was very sore. The moment I reached home, removed make up, shower and I went to sleep. Crew sched called me up to inform me that I was called up for Langkawi flite. Thought of reporting sick, with my fever of 39.8 deg Celcius. But thinking that its just a short flite, I just went with it. I've got netball game tomorrow. Playing against SIA Team 2. So excited about the game. Heh. I'm ON LEAVE..... Lalalalalalalalalalalalalala * singing happily * P/s : I Miss You My Man!! Labels: Breaking Free
Saturday, October 27, 2007
New N76 Hp!!
I Miss Him!!
Friday, October 19, 2007
Many updates
I haven't been updating for the past couple of days.
Been busy with work and some stuffs. Jalan raya you mean? Nope, not at all. The only time I went visiting was the 1st day of Raya. To both my granny's place and my eldest uncle's house. Blogger's a bitch! I only managed to upload one pic and it broke down on me. Damn it!! Anyway, I havent got much pics taken this year. Mcm tkde mood nk cam-whore!! I was so tired after my Surabaya morning flite and fell asleep the moment i reached my Nyai house. Heh. Will try uploading the pics again. I will try uploading it in multiply and you can then view them at http://dylalicious.multiply.com/ Ta-ta!!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Tired but Hepi
I was off yesterday.
Went for MI's netball practice. Apparently, our team name is SIA Cargo. How "cool" is that? Anyway, couple of us turned up. I thought I was late and was rushing down. Thank God I didnt take the cab. No one came until much later. We had a fun game. Its been Sooooooooooooooo long since I last had my netball game. I'm glad that I did well. I missed those days. Playing for Under-17 (which was like 10 years ago), playing for Tanah Merah CSC. Hmmmm.... that was so long ago. Heh. Now, I'm feeling sore all over my legs. Feeling damn tired. I cant even walk properly now. My legs and ankles and thighs are aching all over. But all for a good cause. Anyway, I havent been exercising for a while. This is my chance to start working out all over again. I'm on leave these 2 days. And I had to work on the first day of Raya. How does that feel? Applied leave on the 2nd week of Raya for 2 weeks, and yet I only got 2 days of leave before Raya. Duh!!??!!! Dan sempena Hari Mulia tahun ni, saya ingin menyusun 10 jari untuk memohon ampun dan maaf kepada semua kenalan. Andai kata ada tersalah dan silap, terkasar bahasa dan ter"laser" ke mulut ni, harap di maaf kan la ye. Ikhlas dari saya. SELAMAT HARI RAYA. MAAF ZAHIR DAN BATIN.
Monday, October 08, 2007
Food Poisoning
I'm feeling damn miserable.
Went to Medan on Saturday with Mum. Had fun, lots of it. but damn tiring though. I came back with an upset tummy. And little did I expect to get food poisoning. And I've got 2 days MC for that. Resting at home, felt bored. And here I am. Wish me well.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
I'm feeling very tired today.
And I mean, really tired. Did 4 sectors. Yes, 4 sectors. Sin-Kch. Kch-Sin. Sin-Hkt. Hkt-Sin. And all with minimum crew. The first 3 sectors, the load was ok. Come he last Hkt sector, was full to the brim. Great!! We worked our hearts out okay!!?? Thank God the passengers were all very nice & understanding. I bought the new Digicam already. And the best part, after I bought the Lumix FX-30, the new model came out. Better!! FX-33!!! WTF!!! But its ok. No point regretting. Okay, I'm done updating for today. Super tired, and now Dear ajak me & Daniel Irfan to Geylang go jalan-jalan. He was asking if I wanted to go tomorrow after work instead. And of course I said NO!!! Its Friday tomorrow, and its definitely gonna be packed with human beings!!!! Aite people!! Gotta go!!! * hugs * |