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Upclose and personal.
This is my blog, my rants. My stories of life. I'm just your average girl next door. Need I say more? I write about what I think feels. I don't care about what you think about me 'cause it don't matter. If you think you don't like me or my blog, you can leave. Otherwise, come on in and hear my rants!! =) A year older comes May second. Sexy, Naughty, Bithcy ME! dylalicious@gmail.com
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Sunday, January 27, 2008
Its over finally.
It came and went too soon. But we sure had fun. Although we had to wake up damn early just to do it, we had fun. Tired, but very happy. Dear was surprisingly good at it. He looked nervous, but sexy. * winks * Although I'm used to it, I was kinda nervous doing the real thing now. Heh. I was also having a very bad toothache and Dear tried to distract me away from my pain. Thanks Luv!! I simply lurve the pics!! Thank you Abg Zul for making us look gorgeous and Jeremy for the very nice pics!! Looking forward to April!!! Woohoo!!!! And oh yeah, movies review. RAMBO 4 is damn GOOD, I tell you! I was at first a little skeptical when the V.S guys wanted to watch that show. And I so wasn't looking forward to it at all!! The starting part caught my eye. They showed real life footage of the abuse and killings in Burma. It was damn brutal and gory okay! Children and women were killed for no reason. Even the story line was easy to understand although I didn't watch the 1st, 2nd or 3rd part. I recommend you all should go out there and watch the movie. One of the "rescuer" look a lot like my good friend, Steve. Haha. Steve, I know you are reading this, go check out your look-alike in the movie. But unlike Steve, he is one of the bad guys who simply lurve to curse and swear. Almost alike, with the sharp features and botak head. Heh. * winks at Steve * Go check the movie out! I give it a rating of 8/10.. except that the movie is a little too short. =( Only about 1 and a half hours.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Its shocking to hear news on the passing of talented actor Heath Ledger.
He seems like a quiet low profile and humble actor. Results on his autopsy will only be out in 10 days time. What could possibly be the cause of death? Drug overdose maybe? Since he was found dead with a few prescribed and non-prescribed medicine next to his body when found. But no one knows. We cant assume his cause of death. He could be stressed up with his work or personal life. Since his separation with fiancee ( i think ) in Sept, he's been missing his daughter. How sad is that? Well, life is short, and you never know when your turn to come. Anyway, I'm a little excited about my Wedding Studio Shoot tomorrow. I'm getting a little nervous. * farnie * When actually I'm actually kinda used to it by doing shows and shoots. Maybe because this is the real wedding shoot and not just shoots for adverts? * slaps my face * Silly me!! On another note, I'm also excited to do an entertainment programme on the new Malay channel - Sensasi. 2 other crazie people like me will be with me. Location will be in the West, East & North side. Ooooohhh lalala!! My 2 side kicks will be fun to be with and its been a while since I caught upw ith them. Its time gals!!! Check out for more updates soon!!!
Monday, January 21, 2008
I've been pretty busy.
Busy with work, and some stuffs that need to be settled. I'm kinda stressed. Stressed up with a lot of things. I am so looking forward to getting hitched. I'm excited, I really am. Oh ok Fad, its time for me to stop talking about getting married and stuffs. Haha.. Hmm.. I've got so many things to update, I dont know where to start. And I always end up not updating at all! Went to Tiffany and saw this ring that I really liked. I dunno if its suitable, but I'm in love with it already. =) * sends Dear signal * Danial Irfan has been a naughty boy lately. He's growing up, and he's getting a little out of hand,but he is still afraid of me compared to Dear. Every time I give him the "stare" he will start running to me and say, "Mummy, I love you." And every time I will start giving in to him. * melts * I have so many things on my mind, and I cant really express it in words. I dont even know how I should start about talking about it. " Somebody help me!!!!! "
Thursday, January 10, 2008
New year resolutions
Its already almost the mid of Jan 2008.
Firstly, the beginning of 2008 is not-to-good for me, as I have been falling sick again. Down with a super very bad throat, lost my voice and lots of phlegm. On a good note, 2008 is gonna be a total new experience for me. I'm gonna be someone else's wife this year. How ready am i for that, you ask? Well, I am ready but is he? Marriage is a longtime commitment. Its all about give & take and mutual understanding. And it doesn't just end there. I cant seem to think right now. Am I thinking too much?
Friday, January 04, 2008
happy new year
Hope this year will be a better year for all of you. This year is DEFINITELY gonna change my life!! I cant wait!! |