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Upclose and personal.
This is my blog, my rants. My stories of life. I'm just your average girl next door. Need I say more? I write about what I think feels. I don't care about what you think about me 'cause it don't matter. If you think you don't like me or my blog, you can leave. Otherwise, come on in and hear my rants!! =) A year older comes May second. Sexy, Naughty, Bithcy ME! dylalicious@gmail.com
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Thursday, January 22, 2009
Gorgeous Babes!
Can't wait to meet my gorgeous ladies tomorrow! Sorry baby, I need some time off for now and tomorrow is the night! Wait up for more updates and pictures soon! ================================================================== Alhamdulillah things are getting much better. He is showing signs of improvement. He's showing more love peeps! =)
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
My Everyday Everything
You are my hugs, my smiles and every morning kiss,
My "See You Later Baby" in which I seem to miss. My gentle whispers of "I Love You's" in the middle of the night, My warm,soft arms around me that embrace me oh so tight. My afternoon "I'll be there's" that give me butterflies, My kisses when you see me that catch me by surprise. My "Are You Okay Baby's?" when you know that I'm alone, My "Don't Worry Love" I'm on my way home. My every night kisses that send shivers down my spine, Oh My Love,I'm glad that you're all mine. It's Been 11 years now and the feelings are still the same, I'm so spoiled by your love and I have you to blame. You are so perfect for me in so many ways and I am grateful for you, You are everything in my life just by being you... - by sillysilly97
Monday, January 19, 2009
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I am feeling oh so tired. Tired of almost everything. Tired of complaining, tired of enduring. TIRED. Period. All I am doing now is putting on a brave front. Putting on a mask that shows people that I am a happy person. I am NOT saying that I am not happy. I am, but certain things that have happened has caused me to be feeling down. I am lost and confused as to what HE wants. How long more do I have to endure? " Ya Allah, Berikan la Aku kesabaran dan ketabahan menempuhi segala dugaan "
Saturday, January 17, 2009
That's it! BUT I am just keeping quiet about it. Its not MY fault that you are TIRED okays! DONT VENT YOUR ANGER ON ME FOR NOTHING! I AM HUMAN TOO!!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
I dont know and I dont care what poeple is thinking right now. I privatized my blog cos I dont want to shame my husband. I AM complaining about this marriage - OUR marriage. Yes, but I AM NOT telling it to the world. I keep it to myself and I voice it out in this humble blog of mine. And ONLY LIMITED people knows about this privatized blog. I really dont know how to express myself at this very moment. I am feeling lost, confused and raged at myself for going tru this. Damn! I cant even solve my own marital woes. Im married and there is no way I can escape from this relationship. I have NO regrets being with him. But I DO regret being too nice and giving in too much from the VERY beginning. There is not much I can do except to talk things out and reason it out with him. But he is NOT someone who likes discussing things and talking things out. THAT is where the problem lies! I am so tired to the extent that I just simply cant be bothered anymore. I dont want the same thing to happen again like before. By then, I guess it will be too late. There is only so much limitations we individuals have. As of now, I can still hold on to this difficult period. I thank all my good friends who are willing to listen and were there when I need you. Thank you Vivi. Although we hardly talk over the phone, or hardly meet up at JK, I know you are a loyal reader of this humble blog and I know you will be there when I need you. Thank you Syasya, Ayu. I really wanna thank you for being ever so patient and lent me your listening ears when I need it. Good friends are hard to come by. I believe in that... NOW..
Monday, January 12, 2009
Lame Sunday
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ My Sunday was burnt just like that. I had to work, doing Kuching flight. But lucky me, I met Fann Wong and Qi Yuwu on the flight. They were so nice! And me, being me, not shy what, so I approached them and asked for a pic to be taken together.Haha Cant seem to upload the pics now, so I will upload them tomorrow. Heh. I AM STILL not really talking to Hubby. Cant be bothered already. I told myself, what the heck, I better be who I used to be before. As in, keeping quiet about everything and crying to myself when I am down. No point in me talking to him about it as he doesnt seem to care or change his ways. I dont need him to change who he is. Just change his ways, that's all. Is that so difficult to ask for? Why is it that he can always have his ways? Fuck! I cant be bothered anymore! I'd rather be weeping in silence!!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
I think that if you DO NOT know anything, you should just shut your mouth and not comment on anything.
It was a family thing, and I never got myself involved with your family's stuffs. And all I'm doing was to educate someone close to me, after much deliberation by Mum and me. So, please, once again, SHUT YOURSELF OFF IF YOU DO NOT ANYTHING!! YOU are not PART of the CONVERSATION anyway! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ See my days are cool without you But I'm hurtin while im wit you And though my heart can't take no more I keep on running back to you See my days are cool without you But I'm hurtin while I'm wit u And though my heart can't take no more I keep on running back to you Baby, I don't know why your treating me so bad You said you love me, no one above me And I was all you had And though my heart is beatin for ya I can't stop crying I don't know how I allow you to treat me this way and still I stay Baby, I don't know why ya wanna do me wrong See when I'm home, I'm all alone And you are always gone And boy, you know I really love you I can't deny I can't see how you could bring me to so many tears After all these years I trusted you, I trusted you So sad, so sad What love will make you do All the things that we accept Be the things that we regret To all of my ladies Feel me C'mon come with me: See, when I get the strength to leave You always tell me that you need me And I'm weak cause I believe you And I'm mad because I love you So I stop and think that maybe You can learn to appreciate me Then it all remains the same that You ain't never gonna change Baby, Why you hurt me? Leave me and desert me Boy, I gave you all my heart And all you did was tear it up Looking out my window Knowing that I should go Even when I pack my bags This something always hold me back
Friday, January 09, 2009
I Love You Baby
Many entries but photos have just been uploaded into my laptop. Like finally! Duh! Singapore Flyer Outing, Marina Barrage and Parents Anniversary.
Monday, January 05, 2009
The Many Faces
I am still confused.
After that incident, Dear seems better. But another incident happened and he was back to his attitude again. * sigh * I guess I cant expect him to ever change. What happened was, we were out with my in-laws. We went to Mustafa Centre. It was about 2 in the morning when we were done, and my in-laws were hungry. So, after some shopping, we decided to go for supper. Half way through the journey at PIE, he called his friend. Dont ask me who, cos I dont know. The next thing we knew, TP ( Traffic Police ) was just next to us. They asked us to move to the left. He was asked to step out and bla bla bla. It took them a good 15 mins before the "interrogation" was done. Dear's hp was seized and only his SIM card and memory card was returned to him. I suspected he must be in a very bad mood. Upon reaching Pasir Ris, my gut feelings came true. He was pissed that he was summoned. And as usual, vented his anger on me. He was telling me that he regretted his actions. So I told him, " That's why I always tell you that if you wanna use the hp, always use it on the left side instead as at least the traffic will not be able to really see that you are on the phone" The next thing I knew, he raised his voice saying, "Now than you say this and that.." I got so pissed off, I raised my voice back at him, "If you are pissed with yourself after getting the summon, dont vent your anger on other people for nothing okay!" And then I walked out of the room. What the hell? It always happen to me. I really cant keep quoiet anymore. The more I keep mum about it, the more he thinks that he is always right. Throughout the journey back to Woodlands, I did not speak to him at all. Not a single word. Usually, I try not to fall asleep so as to accompany him on the journey and also to prevent him from falling asleep. But that day, I couldnt be bothered and just sleep throughout the journey. But of course, occasionally I did wake up just to check on him. If he's got his ego, so do I right? Upon reaching home, I guessed he realised he was wrong, he apologised. I accepted the apology and just walk away. Its always like that, do something wrong, say sorry and do it again. Well, life's like that.
Friday, January 02, 2009
Bicara Manis Menghiris Kalbu
Satu per satu teman Ada disekeliling mu Satu per satulah jua Tinggalkan diri mu Cumalah aku sahaja Yang masih lagi bertahan Memendam rasa Bulan madu yang indah Sudah sampai kehujungnya Engkau pun mula berubah Dan beralih arah Kata-kata manis Tiada lagi ku dengar Hidup ku pula makin tawar Tiap bicara manis Bagaikan selumbar bisa Kau tanam di jiwa Tak terlihat oleh pandangan Mata mu Tiap bicara manis Memujuk dan merayu ku Tak usah berlalu Dan merajuk bawa hati pilu Andai sudah tiba masa Dan tiada jodoh kita Biar kita berpisah... dari merana Tiap bicara manis Bagaikan selumbar bisa Kau tanam di jiwa Tak terlihat oleh pandangan Mata mu Tiap bicara manis Memujuk dan merayu ku Tak usah berlalu Dan merajuk bawa hati pilu Keikhlasan hati ku Bukanlah untuk di balas Cukuplah sekadar Jadi kenangan waktu berjauhan Tiap bicara manis Bagaikan selumbar bisa Kau tanam di jiwa Tak terlihat oleh pandangan mata mu Andai sudah tiba masa Dan tiada jodoh kita Biar kita berpisah... Dari merana
New Year's Day
Its not a good year to start the New Year.
I had eye infection. My eyes were watery and red the whole of yesterday. I was out with my family. My parents wedding anniversary and my Dad brought us out to eat. Jalan-jalan at Ikea before proceeding for dinner at Sakura at Clementi Woods. Food was good, and I didnt stop eating for the whole of 2 hours. No wonder I put on sooo much weight after my wedding. Heh. On another note, I had an argument with Dear last night. Its so frustrating. It was nothing actually, but because he was frustrated with something else, he vent his anger on me. Its soo irritating. Im quite upset. He only changed for a while, after that he was back to his normal self. Salah ke satu isteri nak manja-manja dengan suami? If you are pissed or thinking of something, why cant you just tell me? Why cant you learn to talk things out? Why cant you learn to share your problems with me? Its not fair for me to keep thinking of you all the time. I have to watch what I say or do so as not to offend you. But when it comes to you, you dont even bother to think of how I feel? We are married now, there is nothing to hide. We should learn to communicate better Baby. WHy are you treating me this way? Even during our Countdown Outing, when Abg Bob wanted to go karaoke in town, and you didnt want to, why cant you just voice out what you were thinking? Why did you have to show your attitude face to me when I didnt do anything wrong to you? And why did you have to ignore me when Im talking to you? Why did you have to really vent your anger on me? You could have just tell it to Abg Bob saying that it was packed, or traffic jam or there is a road block? Im sure everyone else would have the same opinion as you. I really cant accept the fact that you are venting your anger on me. What were you thinking? Last night, I was just being "manja" with you. If you dont like it, tell me. I was just caressing your hair, nothing more than that? Is that wrong for a wife to even hold her husband? Why did you have to reprimand me and tell me off saying that you were busy thinking of something and I was interrupting you? How would I know you were thinking of something if you dont freaking tell me? "Ya Allah, berikan lah aku kesabaran semana mampu. Insya Allah." How long more do I have to remain like this? |