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Upclose and personal.
This is my blog, my rants. My stories of life. I'm just your average girl next door. Need I say more? I write about what I think feels. I don't care about what you think about me 'cause it don't matter. If you think you don't like me or my blog, you can leave. Otherwise, come on in and hear my rants!! =) A year older comes May second. Sexy, Naughty, Bithcy ME! dylalicious@gmail.com
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Saturday, March 04, 2006
Its back to writing entries. I miss that. I'm back again, at least for now. I'm doing something new, and its kinda fun. I left my job as a Customer Service Officer in the beautiful spa in Taka. I miss the job and the environment, though. Especially the people there. It was such a blessing that I have beautiful colleagues, & helpful & nice too. I miss them.... =( With a new boss, & a new environment & totally new tings to learn & catch up with, I'm taking it easy, one step at a time. The new boss is nice, patient & funny man. His birdae is on the 6th, and I am so lost as what to get him. Should I just get him a card & a gift? or just a card? or just a gift? Orang tengah "pokai" nie sibuk birdae dia lak... Its only me & him in the office, so its kinda quiet & lonely. Some more, he's leaving me next week, I'm gonna be left all alone, all on my own. Seram nye!!! & I have so much more to learn & catch up with. Alamak!! On a new note, I saw Big Momma House today by Martin Lawrence. Its so cute & funny, & I like it. I think I'm an easily contented person. Semua movie pon cakap bagus, unless the movie made me sleepy, baru I say no good. I lurve Final Destination 3, brutal maut!!! Bsok busy day for me, a lot of stuffs to settle, & I'm getting all nervous and excited. I dont know why. Satu benda pon tak prepare. Padahal ada 1 wk. Dapat tak dapat, nasib la. Watever it is, wish me luck okie... heh... I miss Irfan already. This morning, when my mum was nagging at him about him being naughty, he said, "Aku Jugak!!" It made me laugh real hard. We ( my siblings & I ) always said that whenever Ibu nagged or reprimand us.. & now, dia pon da terikut-ikut lak!! The other day, I asked him, "Irfan buat pe pat ruma?" & his reply was, "Buat bodoh la.." OMG!! This kid is learning too much too fast. Nasib baik bukan anak aku. Pening kepala.. ;p I miss him... Have to wait till tomorrow before he comes back here again... I-Pan, cepat la datang!!!