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Upclose and personal.
This is my blog, my rants. My stories of life. I'm just your average girl next door. Need I say more? I write about what I think feels. I don't care about what you think about me 'cause it don't matter. If you think you don't like me or my blog, you can leave. Otherwise, come on in and hear my rants!! =) A year older comes May second. Sexy, Naughty, Bithcy ME! dylalicious@gmail.com
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Friday, November 30, 2007
I cant take it anymore
I lurve him.. lots..
SO true. But yet, I'm not sure if everything's gonna be alright. I'm confused, upset, sad and hurt. I really dont know if this is the right time or right one. Its just so sad that all this had to happen now, and the feeling came suddenly. I've been waiting for a while to say it, but I guess now is the right time. I cant stand it any longer. I cant hold on any more. I'm hurt too much for you to even realise. I cant give in any further. I'm sad you dont even care. Since you wont bother about anything at all, I wont be bothered to waste my time talking to you, period. You know who you are. You only care about how you feel, and what you wanna feel. What about mine? My feelings and emotions. And my thoughts and views. I thought by now, we should know each other well enough, but I am definitely wrong. You've caused enough strain to me and I dont even know if I can ever forgive you. I MIGHT forgive, BUT I will never FORGET. YOU especially. For now, I'm pushing you aside to care for my sick granny. Been shuttling around between home, work and hospital. Alhamdullillah, all is well. She just got discharged after 5 days in hospital. I'm thinking FOR her and OF her. You are out of my mind - for ow - I guess. I dont know how long I can hold out any longer.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Thank God all is well. I'm feeling better. The head is still aching, but its so much better compared to the first few days of pain that I went tru. Thanks to all the well wishes from friends. I'm finally starting work tomorrow after a few days of rest. And meeting up with Hanin to collect my two boxes of Hanuta chocolate from her. Woohoo!! I cant wait to indulge in those favourite chocolate of mine. Yummy!! Irfan just went home, and suddenly, I felt so lonely without him. Missed him so much after a couple of days being with him. Nas even commented that Is and I should go get an official adoption letter to adopt him. "Oi!! Dia masih ada mak bapak dia tau!! " Haha!! I'm very stressful right now. With the wedding preparation and stuffs. And there are a lot of test to go through at this point of time. We almost argue over minor little things and there are lots of disagreement between us. Sad but true. But this is the time where the strength of our relationship is tested before our wedding day. Staying together is not an easy task at all, I believe. Giving in to each other's point of view is indeed difficult now, I'm sure its even harder after marriage. But I'm sure if the love is strong, and that you can talk to each other about issues that you have, insya allah all will work. Being together for the past 8 years havent been easy for me. Many hurdles that came along the way. Good and bad. Happy and sad. But it's all part and parcel of our relationship. At times, I'm not sure if I'm strong enough to go through it, but He has proven that no matter the differences, things always happen for a reason. " Ada Hikmah di sebalik nya " Insya Allah all will be well. I lurve him.. lots.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
I have been feeling unwell these past few days.
Having super bad migraines. Pain on one side of the head and all the way down till d neck area. Having blurred vision, keep pee-ing and nauseous. Thanks, but NO, I am NOT pregnant. Firstly BECOS I AM having my menses now. The pain is super duper painful and I cried when I told Dear how painful it was. The nauseous feeling, seems to be stuck in my tummy, not wanting to be vomitted out. So farking irritating is the feeling. Went to the Doc today and he asked me if I had any trauma on my head, i.e if I had fallen and hit my head or any other head injuries. Not that I remember. Told me that if the pain persist till tomorrow, I have to go back to see him cos the head is not something to be taken lightly. He will send me to the hospital tomorrow for a thorough medical check, and x-ray to check on the condition of my head. Getting me all worried. THis month of November is a jinxed month for me. I've been on leave and when it came to work, I had to be sick and all that stuff. I know its a test from Him to see how strong I am to go tru all this, but at times, I'm really tired. Tired of having to go tru all these pain and hardship. But I also know that You are testing my patience level and I also know for sure that He never give us a test that we are not able to pull tru. He has His reason for making us go tru all this, I'm sure. Everything happens for a reason. But well, I'll just pray that all will be well tomorrow. You guys pray for me too aite? Another issue that I wish to highlight is hate taggers. I know somehow this is kinda sensitive, but I just have to let it out. Its funny how at times you blog abt your life, and there you have all the other people ( whether you knw them or not ), start talking and hurling abusives at you. Thank God, it doesnt happen to me ( maybe not yet ), but I feel that its better for you to know that someone first before judging him or her. Its their blog, and they have the right to blog about everything under the sun that happens in their life. Be it their boyfriend, their families, their friends or even their sex lifes. They chose that path, and they bear their own consequences and responsibilities. They dont need you to tell them what to do or what to say. * sigh *
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
New Hopes
I was blog hopping today.
Came across this blog that made me feel so sad, angry, disappointed and envy. http://mylittlenewhope.blogspot.com I pity the her. She's pregnant and her husband had left her for another woman. They've been together for a very long time, about 8 years. She chose to trust him all her life, and this is wat she gets from him. How could HE haf the heart to do what he did to HER? I, for sure, do not know either one of them personally. But reading the blog makes my tears roll down my cheeks. Its so sad to see her in that state. He's only met the other party for like 3 months? And the other party IS in fact a married woman too. * sigh * I mean, its none of my business, and that I only read her side of the story, but I'm sure things happen for a reason. And I'm sure God have a reason why He's giving you this test of time. All I can say is be strong and stay patient, no matter what happens, you know your friends and families will always be by your side. I'm getting married myself, and at times, I dun deny feeling a little paranoid about having a third party. But then again, without trust, nothing willl work in a relationship. But I also know that at times, giving our full trust, you know you will be hurt one day. As of now, I'm looking on the brighter side of life. All I can do is pray and hope that my plans for having a blissful marriage will be answered. Pray for me too. Insya-Allah.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Updates, Updates
Been pretty busy lately.
And falling sick again! Damn!! Bad flu, fever and ear infection all in one!!! How bad could dat be?? I wish for November to be over soon. Seems like November is not a good month for me. Many things to update. Netball game, Taklimat for Anugerah Life, the Anugerah Life event itself and SIA 60th Anniversary celebrations. Work is good, but tiring. ( as usual ) Anyway, we drew the last game we had with Engineering. Score was 15-15. It was a super good game. 1st quarter - score was 3-3. 2nd quarter - score was 7-5. ( us leading ) 3rd quarter - score was 13-13. last quarter - score 15-15. Isnt that amazing? It was a very good fight between both teams. We came in Third for the league. SIA Cabin Crew came in first and SIAEC came in Second. =) On another note, attended the Anugerah Life Records 2007 Awards Nite. I was nominated for the "Best Actress in a Telemovie". I knew I wouldnt win, but I'm glad I'm appreciated. Thank you Kak Maria and Abg Osman. I feel really honoured. Was feeling sick that day, but I still went ahead with the event. Had a morning Phnom Penh flight. And when I came back, my ears were ringing and popping. At the end of the night, tired but happy. Sweets. Also went to the SIA 60th Anniversary celebrations. We had a prize presentation to collect our 3rd placing trophy. =) Yahoo!!
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Happy Ending
We won!!
We won yesterday's game against SIA Team 1. Score was 21-4. We played well. One last game on Monday. Dav said that if we win the last game on Monday, high chances we can get 3rd in the league. I guess we all have to do our best. Plus not forgetting, A Big Thank You to our Tech Crew and families for coming down to support us last night!! Woohoo!! Went to the Super Import Night at Singapore Expo today. So much fun!! Managed to catch the drift session at the carpark. So cool!! Dear with one of the exhibition cars Guess who I saw? My luvly galfriends!!! Oh how I miss you soo!! It was nice to see you gals again!! =) And featuring the new Race Queen Models.... Heh Me and my CIC, Rosnita ( with her hubby's car ) And gal, ur hubby's car as gorgeous as you are!! * smiles * Good Luck for the competition!!
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Happy Day
We won yesterday's game against SATS.
Score was 12-4 ( i think ) Dav said if we could win the next few games, we could come in 3rd at least. Well, all we have to do is play our best. I felt bad for Ros. She didnt get to play any quarter at all. I tried to talk to Dav about it, but Dav couldnt do anything about it. I'm sorry Ros. I'll try to talk to Mui Lee the next time round okay?? Pus next time, must tell us earlier that you havent played. Maybe we were all so engrossed in the game that we forgot a few players have not played at all. Went to meet Hanin today. Catch up on old times' sake. As usual, as it was Tuesday, we met at Gelare. We love the waffles there. Haha... Sum more today is Tuesday, so the waffles are 50% off. ( Cheapo us.. ) We went Taka to see the Mediacorp Radio Subaru Impreza Challenge. There were 3 ladies left. I really admire their courage. They were there for the past 76 hours okay!! We stayed there for a while and saw the Winner being crowned the Winner!! She broke last year's record of 73 hours, you know!! Congratulations to you!! And she was right in front of us. We were so excited to see her win lei!! We didnt manage to get the exact picture of the winner. Everyone was there to congratulate her. The press plus her supporters. And because we were right in front of her, everyone was blocking our way. Tomorrow I have another game against SIA Team 1. Quite a strong team, I must say. Just pray for us okay? Plus I sprained my ankle, I think. Didnt feel any pain at all. But its swollen now. But I wanna play tomorrow. I'm sure all will be well. And I miss Nyai soooo much! She came my house yesterday with Mama and the kids on her wheelchair taking the train!! I luv you Dear Granny!! And I miss you Dearie!!
Monday, November 05, 2007
We lost the 3rd game to SIAEC.
Score was 17-7. We were leading at first, but slackened in our play soon after. But I guess it's ok. We all did our best, I'm sure. Went jalan raya with the Skrinnerz yesterday. Finally, I get to see all of them again after so long! It was a good reunion.!! But the centre of attention wasnt me, it was who else, but Him!! See wat I mean? Practically everyone had their pics taken with Him. See what I mean?? Ok, I gotta go. Getting ready for the next game with SATS today at 7pm!! Wish me Luck!
Friday, November 02, 2007
We won!!
And we won!!!
We played against SIA Team 2 and we won!! 14 - 4!! I was ecstatic. We did well. We played super well in the first quarter okay, but slackened in the 3rd quarter. We didnt score any golas, but conceded in 4 goals. But overall, we won, so I'm happy. I missed the first game, having to go for flights. And I really felt bad about it. Today's the 3rd game, against SIAEC. They are good say, most of them basketball players. It was a mized netball game, which means guys have to play one corner each. One in the attack, and one in the defence. =) Taking a shower soon, and get eady. My legs are pretty sore, but not as bad as the first time. Heh. Wish me luck. And to all the well wishers, thank you so much. I'm feeling better, my fever's subside, but my throat and flu is still stuck with me. Someone sent me an email. He / She said that I complained too much. Hmm... I guess its just me. I am being myself. I complained about my life. And its just a "letting-off-steam" on my part. Anyway, thanks for taking time to bother to send me an email about that with the compliments or comments. I really appreciate it. Its not good keeping things all to yourself, okay? "Makan Hati" - no good Labels: Anger, Frustrations |