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Upclose and personal.
This is my blog, my rants. My stories of life. I'm just your average girl next door. Need I say more? I write about what I think feels. I don't care about what you think about me 'cause it don't matter. If you think you don't like me or my blog, you can leave. Otherwise, come on in and hear my rants!! =) A year older comes May second. Sexy, Naughty, Bithcy ME! dylalicious@gmail.com
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Thursday, February 21, 2008
I think its time for me to extract my lost cracked tooth.
I've been in pain since yesterday. Was working with Cynthia and I was already feeling so lethargic and my throat was feeling so uneasy. Towards the second sector, I suddenly felt severe pain and I knew the pain is coming again. Called RMG Dental at Causeway Point and this lady was very nice and patient enough to explain to me simple details on my minor surgery. She even helped me set an appointment for my surgery tomorrow at RMG Dental at Marina Square tomorrow with Dr Peter ( whoever he is ) Resting at home with fever now and asked Dear if he could leave his lappy behind for me to use it since I'm feeling bored. Anyway, I'm going to ROMM to register for my wedding tomorrow. Insya allah all will go well. Ayah asked for time off from his work tomorrow and he kept nagging at me to be on time. I know you are excited my dearest Dad, and I sure am too!!! Relax la Father!! And dear Ayu, I think I so agree with you. I'm excited to be a MRS now, and I am definitely excited about being a MUM too. I've seen the fat boy, Daniel Irfan grew up since he was a little baby, and I think I cant wait to have children of my own. But well, due to work commitments, I guess I have to plan for children maybe at least 2 years later.. =( Insya allah. And to my friends who sms-ed me or e-mailed me to ask what "Kursus Rumah Tangga" is, it is a Marriage Preparation Course. Its sort of a course that prepares you for marriage. They discuss on whether you are prepared for marriage, talk on financial planning as a couple living together, your rights & responsibilities, love and sex. Heh. Its quite interesting actually, and I felt that it's quite useful. Maybe to me, the financial part was a little boring cos I'm such a spendthrift and it bores me when people "nag" asking me to save up.. bla bla bla... But overall, its useful for the future when you are married. Especially the sex part. Heh. There were a few married couple in my group and 1 pregnant lady. She's so sweert and she was telling us that she was already legally married or "nikah" and she applied for a home. And although they had the official ROMM marriage cert, and they did not have the Marriage Prep Course cert, they were asked to attend the course first before proceeding for the purchase of the home. I'm shocked. It seems like its a MUST for Muslims to get the Marriage Prep Course cert here in Singapore. Besides that, we also have a "Mat Salleh" model and an African in the class. Not forgetting a Chinese convert. Interesting right? I'm left with only about a month to go before the wedding and nothing have been done yet. I mean, my room's still a mess and it still looks like a pig sty. Haha. And I'm NOT joking okay!!! I've yet to clean my room and my closet and cupboard. OMG!!! When am I gonna start doing it eh? * looks pathetically at Ibu * I'm so looking forward to Steve and Michelle's presence, my VIPs for THE day. =) May dreams become a reality.... =) Insya allah ( If God wills me to ) |