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Upclose and personal.
This is my blog, my rants. My stories of life. I'm just your average girl next door. Need I say more? I write about what I think feels. I don't care about what you think about me 'cause it don't matter. If you think you don't like me or my blog, you can leave. Otherwise, come on in and hear my rants!! =) A year older comes May second. Sexy, Naughty, Bithcy ME! dylalicious@gmail.com
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Friday, March 21, 2008
I cant Wait
All is well. I've cleaned up my room, painted my room and everything else. But I think I concentrated toomuch in finishing fast, and rushed tru the painting of my room that I got my thumb sprained. Heh. So silly of me. My Ibu laughed at me, and she said that I used too much force while painting. And that I deserved it. Haha. There goes my mc again. Goddamnit! I've settled most of the important things, Alhamdullillah. I'm worried about certain stuffs, and I do hope Insya Allah that all will be well. Please pray for me. Thank you.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Not again....
I was still on mc due to suspected asthma.
I'm only gonna to start work later today to Medan. Was surprised when the doc told me he suspected that I had asthma. I had bad flu and fever for the last couple of days, and at night when sleeping, I had wheezing and had difficulty breathing. That was when I decided to go to the doctor for further check up. And that was also when he told me he suspected me of having asthma. I thought, maybe because I was cleaning up my room and house, and the dust and all had caused me the allergy. Since I had 2 days mc last few days excluding my off days, I cleaned up my room.... with a mask. hahaha I realised that there were alot of things that was still sitting in my closet/wardrobe/cupboard. Many things dated from 1997 to 2007. Heh. I found old letters given to me by my best friend, As when we used to have little misunderstandings. Me and her, we used to exchange letters when we had a misunderstanding or when we need to talk. I still Keep it. =) Old diaries ( I am THAT emotional ). Tons of old diaries. I read them a little bit by bit and it was hilarious, I tell you. So silly of me to have that thought. Plus I was fat and ugly back then after I stopped playing netball in 1999. Found old pics of me and Dear when we were just dating. He was still fit and I was the fat one. But now, things have changed.. hehehehehe =) How I missed those times. I found cards written by Dear when we had problems back then and I cried. That WAS the only time he wrote me cards and gave me gifts and I was so touched. Anyway, I've cleared some stuffs away, and there are many other things left to clear. I'm starting to feel so stressed up with all the cleaning part. OMG!! I wish I could do some magic like Bewitched so that I dont have to clean the mess and my nose wont be running and I wont be suspected of having asthma.... Wishing and dreaming and hoping.........
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
No Title Entry
I have been unwell. Fever and flu and blocked nose and blocked ear.
Why does it have to be this way say? Every beginning of a new year, sure to fall sick!!! What the heck? Abah ( Is father ) met with an accident. Pity him. He fell off his bike and was injured badly. He didnt have to be hospitalisedd, but his abrasions and cuts and bruises was bad enough to make me cry. His left eye was swollen and swelled and it was bruised badly. How did this happen?? According to him, it was the second time that he felt something at the same stretch of road in Tuas. The first time, as he was driving on the outermost left lane, he felt that there was a wall that suddenly caved in in front of him. When he shouted " Allahu Akbar! " he could see the wall opening up and he made his way in. The next thing he knew, he was in the middle of the road. And now, the second time, he fell off his bike suddenly. No one was around at that time. And it was in the middle of the road. And when he feel, he was thrown off the centre road, and suddenly many lorries and cars drove past. That gave me the creeps. On another note, for those who have been asking about mmy wedding preparations, thank you. So far alhamdullillah. All is fine. A little hiccups here and there, of course. Other than that, all is fine. Insya Allah. |