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Upclose and personal.
This is my blog, my rants. My stories of life. I'm just your average girl next door. Need I say more? I write about what I think feels. I don't care about what you think about me 'cause it don't matter. If you think you don't like me or my blog, you can leave. Otherwise, come on in and hear my rants!! =) A year older comes May second. Sexy, Naughty, Bithcy ME! dylalicious@gmail.com
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Thursday, February 26, 2009
I need a Break
I need a Break!
A break from all this crap! I have always been able to hide my sadness, but this time, its too much for me to bear. No, its not about hubby. Its about the family. Home and stuffs. Please! Release me of all these burden. I beg of you.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Hide my Emotions
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Valentine's Day is not meant for me. I have never experienced a great V day like anyone else. All these times - coming 10 years being with you, I've never get to celebrate a proper V day. I understand that you don't believe in celebrating, I totally do. But cant you just give me some quality time spent as husband and wife. All these times we were out, we are always with your friends. I have never once complained or whine. But this time you were too much. You cared so much about what your friends think of u. What about what I feel? I have never expected anymore from you, but deep inside, I wish that you would think of or for me sometimes. I am human too, and I have feelings too, for your info. You've always wanted me to think of your feelings ALL the time, then what am I? I'm the woman here, and I think its natural for women to be more sensitive than the man. But in this relationship, I mean, our relationship - or should I say our marriage, it has always been me who give in and think of you. I am almost giving up after almost a decade. I'm tired mentally and emotionally. I've decided that the best way is to just shut the fuck up. Nothing will work my way even if I had the opportunity to talk things out or reason things out with you. Why, I wonder? Is it because men mature later than women? Or is it because YOU are more sensitive than most women do. I am always showing everyone around me how happy I am. How cheerful I am. How happy go lucky I am. How stress-free I am. But nobody knows I AM hurting inside. About YOU and many more things. FAMILY. Even then, YOU are my top priority. When are you going to realise that? Silent treatment? I cant bring myself to it no matter how hard I try. Best thing now is to hide my emotions. Better suggestions?
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Im almost to my Limit
I'm STILL not talking to the husband. Cant stand his attitude. Think this is a TEST from Him. Please make this end SOON. I cant stand this silent treatment any longer. How long does this have to go on? The LIMIT to my PATIENCE is wearing out soon. He knows I love him too much to hold on to the silence further. His ego is telling him to make me give in first. But I have my EGO too! I am NOT giving in till he GIVES in first. I'm tired of giving in ALL THE TIME. Him not talking to Me. Me not talking to Him. Whatever.
Monday, February 02, 2009
Batu Keras Cafe
Im sooooooo looking forward to tonight!
Although it was unplanned and last min, I cant wait!! Here we come!! I'm gonna forget ALL my troubles!! * singing and humming.... *
Sunday, February 01, 2009
Many many Posts
Outings with the Teteks was definitely fun!
All of us were crazy and dinner at Manhattan Fish Market was superb! Thanks Farissa for the treat. Syasya couldnt stop burping. Me & Ezian couldnt stop laughing. Crazy crazy outing! Pics will be up soon. ============================================================== YOU are at it again! YOU will never change! I KNEW it! I should have KNOWN it! What do you gain? I AM NOT at fault, DEFINITELY! YOU should have read the sms properly. All throughout the years I have been with you, I never COMPLAIN about WAITING for you whenever you WERE LATE. Even if I got pissed, I will just call you and ask you where YOU were. I never SCOLD and REPRIMAND you for nothing. But today, YOU were TOO MUCH! I cant handle it! I couldnt hold it any longer. Cant you just fucking wait for 2 - 3 more minutes? Besides, my message read, " Da nak sampai just call and hang up " Do you even know WHAT it meant? I will do the explanation. It means - to call ANG hang up WHEN you are REACHING. NOT call when you have REACHED. Get it? No matter what, I will never say sorry for what I did. I was not wrong for getting pissed. You were just mad over nothing, it got me pissed. I know you are tired after work, but SO was I!! Yes, I was indeed wrong for raising my voice to you as a wife, BUT that doesnt give you the right to throw your fucking weight around! I AM HUMAN too IDIOT! I cant stand this any longer!! " Ya Allah, berikan lah hamba mu ini ketenangan dan kesabaran semana mampu. " |