Songkran Festival - Hatyai 2009
Songkran 2009 was fun!
Although it was a long bus ride - more than 12 hours.
I had a good fun time catching up on my sleep.
Everyone got so worried when there was riot in Bangkok.
I even received more than 40 missed calls on my phone!
Friends and families who were concern.
The funny part was - there was NOTHING happening in Hatyai at all!
Everyone was enjoying themselves, having fun.
Pictures to prove them!

Preparation for the trip.
Organisers Eddy and Jali

Name List and sizes

Friday, 10th April
At JK while waiting for the bus to pick us up from JK to Golden Mile

Bus is here.
Time to pose

One More Time
Sue & Jali and Me & Hubby

Damn comfortable bus lah!

Time to say our Good Byes!

Posing in the Bus

While waiting for paperwork to be done and bus to arrive at Golden Mile

Waiting and waiting..

After Spore Immigration

Bon Voyage Malaysia

Welcome to Thailand!
Sadao Border

Time to get down

JB Hotel Hatyai, Thailand

Posing at the Hotel Lobby
Tired after more than 12 hours bus ride.

Our Hotel Room


Lunch at a "coffee shop"

Dinner at Hamid Restaurant

Jalan jalan in front of Lee Garden Hotel.
A stretch of street market

Mini Roti Prata with Bananas

Hatyai Teh Tarik POWER!
With a cute boy that reminds us of Danial Irfan =(

With the Cute Boy.
He was sooo shy.
He blushes just like Danial Irfan does!

Us at the Hotel Lobby

12th April
Vivi got sabo-ed as it was her birthday

Umi putting powder on Vivi

Breakfast at Palm Court Coffee Shop in the Hotel?

All the Ladies in da House!
W/O Vivi

All da Guys!!

All the Kiddos!

Me & another cute boy who reminds us of Danial Irfan

Me & Him again
Hazif is his name, I think.

While shopping at the "market" and sourcing out for the Water Gun!

Many many Thai Baht

Still not decided yet

Hubby decided on this uber huge gun

12th April
Eve of Songkran, but we already started getting wet.

Everyone having fun

Even the kids were having lots of fun!
Right, Anis Shiqa?

Me & Sue hungry.... again..

Them shooting at unfamiliar people

Hubby having fun.
Tak ingat makan langsung!

Blackbird Water Swat Team
No sweat! Get me Wet!

Hubby posing for the camera

All wet!

Vivi's surprise birthday cake from Swensens!

One big happy family
Amin, Vivi, Mika n Anis Shiqa

Awww.... so Sweet!!
Hubby... my turn soon!!

Mummy & Son bonding

Umi & her 5 children
( from left )
Shirah, Ishraf, Irfan, & twins Ikram & Ikmal

Happy Birthday gal friend!
* hugs *

Birthday gal, Me, Mimi & Sue

Us again!


Vivi enjoying her cake while her daughter looks on.

Supper at the corridor

Mika the Hunkie

Breakfast Buns that looks like boobs!

The sweet couple.
Makcik & Wak Brutal

JB Hotel Room Key

13th April
Songkran Festival.
Getting ready for war!

We saw a cool Maserati!
Believe it or not!

Vivi & Family

Dinner Time

Great food!

With the lovely Thai ladies

Me & the cutie again!

Hubby & the cutie!

Vivi & Amin's car
We tumpang our guns in it also

The Kiddos

Group Photo

In remembrance of Arwah Abang Daud

I cried thinking of him
and I'm not the only one

Good bye JB Hotel, Hatyai

Getting ready to leave

Shakir & Me

We are back!

Breakfast at Jalan Kayu
It was totally fun!
I forgot all my troubles.
We didnt shop much, but it was a great time off from work and all the stress that I'm going tru.
I feel good...
I cant wait for Sunday.
Its the Face of 2009 Finals.
I know I wont win, but I know that I'm sure gonna have fun!
Went for fitting yesterday.
The people were gorgeous!
I cant wait!
See you peeps Sunday at Downtown East!