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Upclose and personal.
This is my blog, my rants. My stories of life. I'm just your average girl next door. Need I say more? I write about what I think feels. I don't care about what you think about me 'cause it don't matter. If you think you don't like me or my blog, you can leave. Otherwise, come on in and hear my rants!! =) A year older comes May second. Sexy, Naughty, Bithcy ME! dylalicious@gmail.com
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Monday, February 25, 2008
After many days of craving for Ban Mian, I'm still craving for it.
Can you believe it? I'm either too tired or too lazy to go over to get it. Plus I have a sudden urge last nite to eat " Bubur Taiwan " ( Taiwan Porridge ) over at Rezeki. * smiles cheekily at Farissa * Maybe because of my extracted tooth, that's why I'm craving for more soupy stuff. * Yummy * OMG!! I'm doing my SEP tomorrow. * sighs * This year, its gonna be wet one. Heh. I'm at home right now, with Daniel Irfan in front of me, naked. He's getting ready for his religious class. I'm sure when he comes back later, he will start reading some verses from the "Muqaddam" Damn cute la he! His mum wants us to pick him up later after his class and he's staying over tonight. Yahoo!!! I'm gonna have my baby sleep next to me tonight!! More like my bolster. Heh. And Dear, come back early tonight okay, Daniel is gonna stay over and I'm sure he will wanna wait for you before he can sleep. I lost a few hundred dollars today. I dunnot where I placed them. Its damn irritating. I lost my mind for a moment. I ony remembered I left it in my purse. Maybe I dropped it while I took out my EzyLink card. Damn it!! I was about to use the money to pay for some of my wedding stuffs. I cried over the lost. Where am I supposed to find that amount of money? That's almost what I've left till the next pay day. F**K~~
Sunday, February 24, 2008
U knw, Im officially a bogeh now.
The doc decided only one tooth was important to be surgically removed yesterday. And no, they didnt put me to sleep, too bad. I was expecting them to sedate me, but instead, they only numb that particular area so that I wont feel any pain. And though I didnt feel any pain, I could literally see what the doctor was doing. Be it showing me the syringe to inject my gums. It was as if he was doing it on purpose. I knew my tooth has already broken and badly decayed and it was a little challenging for him to do it. I could feel the pain when he tried extracting it. I was literally shivering through out the process. I dont know why. I was afraid of the pain and the phobia came back. I had a bad experience when I was in school. Remember the teacher used to call our names to go to the dentist once a while? The stupid dentist or nurse in my school was a little impatient and because of what the student before me did, she vent her anger on me and it was damn painful I tell u!! Stupid piece of shit!! Anyway, the last straw came when I saw the doctor "sewing" up my wound. The thread and all, I almost fainted!! But I'm thankful that all went well. Alhamdullillah. I'm still resting at home for now and am going to the office tomorrow to submit my mc. Having SEP on Tuesday and Wednesday. Wet one. I hope I've fully recovered cos when the doc asked, I told him I would have felt better by then. Insya allah. Weekends pass by so fast. We just sent Daniel Irfan home. The house is so damn quiet without him around. I'm missing him already. We watched him grow up, from a normal 2.7kg to a hefty 50kg boy now. And he is getting smarter each day. For example, after watching the ad on "sms 1, 2, 3 or 4 to 73388" - he asked me for my hp and pretend to wanna play games. After a while, I see him disappear and he came out from my room with the hp on his ear. I smelt a rat, and when I checked my last number dialled, it was indeed 73388!!! And when I asked him abt it, he just said that he was trying his luck. ANd when probed further, his answer was, "the person on phone said "You are a loser"" Imagine with his "selamba" face, it was damn hilarious. I couldnt get angry with him any further and I started laughing! This boy is damn smart. AT times, we just dont expect him to react the way he did. I asked him once if its okay for me to habe a baby. And his answer was, " NO! " and when I asked him why, he said, " later mummy dont love me anymore.. " Awwww... this boy is so sweet!! Sweeter than you Dear. Heh.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
I am feeling oh-so-hungry now.
Craving for my Seasons Ice Lemon Tea and Banquet Ban Mian with no vege and more ikan bilis. I feel so weak to even get out of bed. Anyone willing to buy for me and send it direct to my home for me? OR anyone know if Banquet have delivery service?? =)
I think its time for me to extract my lost cracked tooth.
I've been in pain since yesterday. Was working with Cynthia and I was already feeling so lethargic and my throat was feeling so uneasy. Towards the second sector, I suddenly felt severe pain and I knew the pain is coming again. Called RMG Dental at Causeway Point and this lady was very nice and patient enough to explain to me simple details on my minor surgery. She even helped me set an appointment for my surgery tomorrow at RMG Dental at Marina Square tomorrow with Dr Peter ( whoever he is ) Resting at home with fever now and asked Dear if he could leave his lappy behind for me to use it since I'm feeling bored. Anyway, I'm going to ROMM to register for my wedding tomorrow. Insya allah all will go well. Ayah asked for time off from his work tomorrow and he kept nagging at me to be on time. I know you are excited my dearest Dad, and I sure am too!!! Relax la Father!! And dear Ayu, I think I so agree with you. I'm excited to be a MRS now, and I am definitely excited about being a MUM too. I've seen the fat boy, Daniel Irfan grew up since he was a little baby, and I think I cant wait to have children of my own. But well, due to work commitments, I guess I have to plan for children maybe at least 2 years later.. =( Insya allah. And to my friends who sms-ed me or e-mailed me to ask what "Kursus Rumah Tangga" is, it is a Marriage Preparation Course. Its sort of a course that prepares you for marriage. They discuss on whether you are prepared for marriage, talk on financial planning as a couple living together, your rights & responsibilities, love and sex. Heh. Its quite interesting actually, and I felt that it's quite useful. Maybe to me, the financial part was a little boring cos I'm such a spendthrift and it bores me when people "nag" asking me to save up.. bla bla bla... But overall, its useful for the future when you are married. Especially the sex part. Heh. There were a few married couple in my group and 1 pregnant lady. She's so sweert and she was telling us that she was already legally married or "nikah" and she applied for a home. And although they had the official ROMM marriage cert, and they did not have the Marriage Prep Course cert, they were asked to attend the course first before proceeding for the purchase of the home. I'm shocked. It seems like its a MUST for Muslims to get the Marriage Prep Course cert here in Singapore. Besides that, we also have a "Mat Salleh" model and an African in the class. Not forgetting a Chinese convert. Interesting right? I'm left with only about a month to go before the wedding and nothing have been done yet. I mean, my room's still a mess and it still looks like a pig sty. Haha. And I'm NOT joking okay!!! I've yet to clean my room and my closet and cupboard. OMG!!! When am I gonna start doing it eh? * looks pathetically at Ibu * I'm so looking forward to Steve and Michelle's presence, my VIPs for THE day. =) May dreams become a reality.... =) Insya allah ( If God wills me to )
Monday, February 18, 2008
I'm feeling so down.
My pc's down, and I cant log onto internet. =( I'm using my man's lappy and its a little slow uploading certain sites. Its so frustrating, I tell you!! So damn irritating. Been tired the past few dyas, and since I didnt have enough rest, I think I'm falling sick. My head feels heavy and I get migraines more often than not nowadays. Its been a while since I get my migraine attack, and now, it seems like its coming back again. Completed our "Khursus Rumah Tangga" yesterday and alhamdullillah, we got our certs already. I'm already feeling so excited for the day to arrive. I am oh-so-ready to be a MRS. Heh.
Sunday, February 03, 2008
I am pissed!
So pissed! Its just a small matter, but you know, when you are working in the service industry, every little thing like that matters a lot okay??!! I called McDelivery to have food ordered to my doorstep. The girl who answered the phone introduced herself as " Nurul " She asked me for my name and contact no. and then told me my delivery address. "Yes, u are right." was my answer in my usual bubbly tone. To my surprise, she started sighing, as if I was taking up her time. I kept calm, I thought I was a little too sensitive. I ordered my food from her, and she asked me what choice of drinks I would like with my choice of meal. Again, she started sighing and raised her voice at me. What was she trying to prove? She told me my total amount in a very rude manner and told me my order no. She sounded super rude that it finally got on my nerves!! Thank God it was almost the end of the call. I feel that if you think that you don't have enough patience working in the service industry line, where by either you are too busy with too many orders or people impatiently calling for their food, its not about venting your anger on the innocent ones! I understand sometimes us Singaporeans can be rude and impatinet, but you must always think that not everyone is like that! Duh! Go look for another job that is either more relaxed or a job that doesn't require you to meet or speak to people. I guess that " Nurul " is just not a PEOPLE PERSON. Duh!! Not worth it getting pissed with these kind of people.
Saturday, February 02, 2008
An Entry w/o a title
I had a shoot yesterday.
After touching down from TRV, I checked my sms and realised that Dicky ( the make up Artist ) had sms-ed me to report for make up at 8am at Bukit Timah Shopping Centre - Beauty World. Omg!! I reached home at 7am, and quickly rushed to pack my stuffs and get ready for make up. I was damn tired, but I know that this shoot's gonna be damn fun with my bitching "kakis" around. Reached BTSC at about 8.10am!! Damn fast rite? =) Dicky and his assistant, Shasha just arrived. Efa, Dyan and myself were so excited to see each other. Had our make up done, and we were late for our shoot. 1st location was at Geylang Serai market. It was not so crowded. Many people ere gawking at us wondering what we were doing in the middle of the hot afternoon. 2nd location was at Haig Road. Not much buzz around either. 3rd location - Tanjong Katong S.c. Surprisingly quiet too. Not much people to interview. =( We had late lunch and I almost fell asleep eating my lunch. Heh. I motivated myself and push my way tru out the day. 4th location was at Esplanade. There were so many tourists there. People were taking pictures of us while we were shooting and it was funny. We laughed and joked and laughed at each other fumbling on our lines. Last shot - Lau Pa Sat. So crowded, we had dinner and did our final closing before " It's a Wrap!!! " - Finally!! Time to head home to sleep. Last shot before we head home wif Nik - our driver for the day!! hahahaha I slept like a log last nite. Upon reaching home, I showered, and with my wet hair, I fell asleep till 1pm dis afternoon - and I cant continue sleeping till now. Dear left me to go for a company course in KL. He will be only be back tomorrow and I'm missing him so much already. Dear, faster come home. I miss you!! And I miss you lots too darling!! I'm so sorry I wasnt home when you were sleeping over yesterday. =( I didnt get to hug your fat and cute body and play with your tummy.. =( |